Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Easter Drama Finale

After 3 days of running, "The Day God Died" (Charis Easter Drama 2007) has come to an end...and it has just been a real amazing journey for all involved!
You should so see all of us rushing to wear our costumes in time for the next scene, as well as the stagehands fumbling their way in the dark to change the backdrop and arrange the necessary props, kudos to the backstage crew as well as sound & light team!

As usual, I thoroughly enjoyed myself throughout the rehearsals and even actual runs (despite some glitches here and there, but hey! drama's live show k!)...Hahaha, had lots of fun taking pictures with everyone, especially with my two-faced make-up (Many thanks to super A.Justene!). A.Justene really spent a lot of time making me up, trying to make me look real beautiful on one side while looking real ugly and gross on the other side. Heehee, and also my many requests to make the make-up worse and worse each day, so that on the last day of the show i looked so horrible that i couldn't even bear to look at myself in the mirror (yes! it was that bad!).
The funniest part was that during breakfast time, even the cast said that i looked so bad that they couldn't look at me for too long or else they'll lose their appetite! Hahaha :P Guess I kind of succeeded in grossing out people.
Ok, for those who are curious about how i looked, i'll post the pictures when i get them, just don't see the pictures on a full stomach, wouldn't want you to puke out your food, heehee :P

A million thanks to God for everything, especially the salvations!


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