Thursday, 30 August 2007

Shows I wanna watch...(Part 2)

In the heart of Paris, a city well-known for its romantic scenery and delectable cuisine, a grand ambition lived in the heart of Remy. He wanted to become a great chef, preparing excellent cuisine for people. He had the talent, the precious gift of taste and smell to succeed and fulfill his ambition. He lived in a restuarant, in fact one of the most famous restaurants in Paris, where he had the opportunity to hone his skills and develop his talent.

There was only one teeny-weeny obstacle. Remy was not human. He was a rodent.

And so started the journey of a rodent who was talented enough to be one of the greatest chef in Paris...

When I first saw the trailer of Ratatouille, I must admit I wasn't too impressed with the idea of a rat who wanted to become a chef. It seems kind of cheesy. But I soon grew to see the wonder and amusement as well as an engaging storyline of this Disney-Pixar animated movie.
This is definitely a must-watch!


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