Monday, 28 January 2008

Chinese New Year!

Haha, chinese new year's coming!
Here comes the bak kwa, pineapple tarts, guazi, cashew nuts, orange juice, endless steamboat meals and many more tasty treats...not to mention, the angbaos!
This year's CNY holidays are real good because it falls on Thursday and Friday and will continue on to Saturday and Sunday, so that's like additional 2 days of celebration, making it 4 days of celebration in all! Super excited!
Also can't wait to see everyone decked out in their new year attire...haha, hopefully, the red won't be too striking...

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

YAM Retreat-Pulau Tinggi (Sept 07)

Charis Yammers went for another retreat in 2007, this time to a chalet-like kelong at Pulau Tinggi (if i remembered the name of the place correctly). We were there for a time of rest & relax, fishing and meditating on God's Word. As usual, had great fun with the Yammers, fooling around, laughing, acting crazy and Bible study sessions.
One of the main objective at the kelong was to go fishing. It was a first time for many of us as we had no prior fishing experience, except Pastor Peter (who's an experienced fisherman) but we were all very excited to embark on our 1st fishing trip. And guess what time we had to wake up...4am! Yes, we had to go fishing early in the morning while the sky was still dark, due to the tidal conditions. As the waters were very choppy and resulted in the boat rocking quite strongly, most of us were giddy and felt like puking, let alone hold the fishinf rod and prepare the bait. Yours truly was the 1st to puke and then followed the others, so we had a massive puking session onboard the boat. Amazing thing was, shortly after the numerous puking by various individuals, Alan caught a baby shark (haha, it must have been attracted by our puke, how gross!).
Yet, all in all, we enjoyed ourselves immensely because the view and scenery of the place was absolutely captivating! The cool seabreeze blowing right into your face...the sea and its waves right at your doorstep...savouring fresh fish caught straight from the sea...lazing around in the sun...absolute bliss...

Blessed 2008! A new year & new always

Yes! It's finally here! Year 2008...
Ok, with regards to reflections of the past year, there're just too many things to talk about and too many posts that are yet to be put up (will try my utmost to post the many exciting things that happened in 2007, haha).
Of course, there'll be things that people wish they could have done better, the same goes for me yet there've also been things that have been good. Relationships with my friends have gone a step deeper and i'm really glad for that and being in my new job (though it's been a year already) have given me greater financial blessings (hehe, all the more to bless others with, right?) and really learning to communicate better with others as well as accept people as who they are (though this can get quite tough sometimes) and also learning how to love.

Year 2008, a new year often marks a new beginning for the goals we wish to achieve in life...
New year resolutions are a great way to start off the year by listing down what we hope to achieve by year's end but the real challenge comes when we are to stick to our resolutions and carry on no matter how tough the going gets. Just like the caterpillar who needs to eat its fill and then go into hibernation in the pupa stage and later breaking out of its pupa skin before it can emerge as a beautiful butterfly...the same journey applies to us. Sometimes, we can eat, drink and be merry, while sometimes we need to quieten down and rest and then there'll be times that we need to persevere through the difficult times and go through our storms in life before we can see the rainbow at the end. Yet it is all these that make life so rich and colourful.

So, enjoy a great year ahead with all its laughter and tears, hopes and dreams and up and downs.
God bless!
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