Thursday, 23 October 2008

Packing & Preparing

A list of things to bring is essential in keeping things organised, especially if one's going for an overseas trip. Yet there's also a need to watch and not over-pack, because you know that you will be stocking up on those goodies once you're overseas, bringing back souvenirs and food stuff for family and friends =)

Of course, the most important items would be the passport & money. Once you got enough cash, you can practically leave with an empty suitcase and buy everything over there(the country that you would be going to). But if you're like me, a little kiasu and paranoid, essential items would be vitamins, medication, enough undergarments, water (yes, alkaline water!), toiletries such as facewash and special shampoo & conditioner (which is what happens when you rebond your hair and need special care), dental floss & cotton buds (you wouldn't want to be caught with some unidentifiable left-overs stuck between your teeth or endure itchy ears) and of course many more items.

Part of the excitement building up to the trip's definitely the packing (not the washing to be done when you're back though =P) and everyone got a different way to do it. There's no fixed formula, just pack according to your personal needs and preference and you'll do just fine. Some like to do it just hours before they leave, simply throwing everything they see into the luggage while others like to plan every detail and count every item they put in and perhaps even weigh the luggage to avoid excess weight.
Enough said...pack, pack, pack!


Blogger Bradley said...

Tell me more about alkaline water. Have you blogged on it?

24 October 2008 at 04:35  
Blogger H@nn@H EsTHeR said...

You can yahoo or goggle 'alkaline water' to find out more. =)

7 November 2008 at 00:47  

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