Thursday, 13 December 2007

December - Super alot of people's birthdays

It's the month of December...the month of presents...and birthday presents, strain on the wallet!
As I look at my calendar, the number of people whose birthdays are marked out seemed to fill almost every oh my...why are there so many people born in December?! Or is it that it just so happens that the people I know are born in December...hmmm... Let me do a check: it takes 10 months to give birth to a baby, so for those born in December, they were probably produced in February? Hmm, what's so special about the month of February....erm, Chinese New Year? But people are usually super stressed and hectic during Chinese New Year, need to run around getting new things, spring-cleaning, baking goodies....nope, too busy to even think of producing babies. Or could it be that 14 February's Valentine's Day? Haha, oh well...
So, here am I, busy squeezing out brain juices to think of what to buy and trying my very best to recall the comments they've made regarding their likes and dislikes. Can you hear the churning of the brain juices? Hahaha ;P

Anyway, here's wishing all of my December-born friends a most happy & blessed birthday!!!


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