Tuesday, 4 December 2007

It's December! My Oh My.....

It's december once again.....
Happy and wistful...because it's the end of the year.
The end of the year is a good time to slow down and reflect upon the past happenings in your life for the year and see if there's any areas to improve, be it in terms of work, family, health, finance and spiritual. Yet, the year-end's often filled with lots of hustle and bustle as people get busy with christmas shopping in midst of cracking their brains and checking their wallets with regards to what to buy and if there's enough cash to go round for everyone etc.
December may pass by real fast and before you know it, it will be January, the start of the next new year. Yet, during december, there's a tendency to be rather pensive, even amidst all the cheery christmas tunes and panicky present-buying, because it's almost like a month of reflection and you wonder if you could do better next year, especially for the things that you have set out to do this year but somehow didn't manage to complete.


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