Friday, 19 September 2008


Rushing here and there...
Huffing and Puffing...

Is it any wonder that we get high blood pressure???
Always looking at the clock, working under time constraints and deadlines...trying to do too many things at the same time...
Granted there's the existence of super-achievers, people who can just accomplish many things and who can just find time to do all that they set out to do, within a short timeframe. However, there are also people who just need a little more time to do the things that have been given to them. Or is that termed procrastination?


Blogger sil said...

Nothing wrong with taking more time to complete a task.

(I can't say I'm speaking unbiasedly as I am an avid fan of procrastination/procrastinating/procrastinate-everything.)

That said, Singapore can be a real pressure cooker with unnecessarily, and often unrealistically, high demands for productivity. Do remember to take a step back, collect yourself, sock your antagonist in the face, laugh, then get back to work.

21 September 2008 at 23:26  
Blogger H@nn@H EsTHeR said...

Haha...yar, it was one of those 'busy till ya can't catch your breath' days =P

22 September 2008 at 23:13  

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